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The Del Norte Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations

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Welcome to the Del Norte Amateur Radio Club Website!
It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation among members, by promoting radio knowledge and individual operating efficiency. DNARC conducts club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio within the county including, Crescent City, Hiouchi, Smith River, Gasquet, Fort Dick and Klamath California.


Del Norte Amateur Radio Club Net
Tuesday night at 7:15pm
146.880 (-)136.5

ORCA Net (Voice & digital)
Tuesday night 7:30pm
146.560 (Simplex)136.5

3.590 (Data)
3.888 (SSB)

If you're interested in emergency communications, come participate with us weekly on our 2m simplex voice net, followed by a 2m/HF digital net. We have a growing group of interested amateurs participating every Tuesday evening. We're in the process of adding an HF net to run concurrently to practice passing emergency traffic. If you're a new amateur, this is a great opportunity to get more radio experience in a relaxed and friendly environment.

We operate 2m simplex to simulate a disaster situation without repeaters, something we would likely experience following a large earthquake. Amateurs from Del Norte, Curry and Humboldt counties have been participating regularly. We are looking to attract more amateurs from outlying areas to join us.

Gasquet Emergency Net
Tuesday night at 6:30pm
147.180 (+)136.5

Curry Emergency Net
147.250 (+)88.5

Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club Net
Tuesday night at 6:45pm
146.840 (-)88.5

Eureka ARES Net
Monday night at 7:00pm
146.460 Simplex

JCEC Monday Net
Monday night at 8:00pm  147.180 (+)136.5
Mt Bluey 147.140 PL 162.2 -
Fielder 146.760 PL 136.5 -
King Mt 147.340 PL 136.5 -
Elk Mt 145.27 PL 136.5

8$ Mt 145.490 PL 136.5 -
Onion Mt 145.150 PL 162.2 -
Fiddler Mt. 146.640 PL 136.5

Humboldt County ARES Net
Monday night at 7:30pm
146.760 (-)103.5

Humboldt County HF Net
Monday night at 6:30pm

North Coast Emergency Net (HF)
Sunday morning 8:00am

California State OES Net
Monday night at 8:00pm

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